
About Us

Our team of tutors have achieved perfect 99.95 ATARs, perfect 50 study scores, and have accumulated over 20 years of combined tutoring experience.

We have made it our personal mission to not only help you succeed in Mathematics and English, but become well rounded students equipped to face any challenge in life. 

Meet Our Incredible Team

Head Tutors

As the founders and head tutors of Premier Education, we have designed and implemented a robust curriculum across the VCE Mathematics subjects and Maths and English from advanced primary through high school, tailored to the learning needs of all students: both high achievers and students who need extra assistance.  We are teachers and mentors, simultaneously training up the next generation of exemplar tutors and helping students navigate the uncertain and difficult transition that is VCE. We believe that the key to success is a combination of time and practice. That is why we have forged an accelerated, structured course for every subject that still covers every scenario. Every student has the potential to be outstanding given the right mentorship and guidance, and we are here to show the way.

As the founders and head tutors of Premier Education, we have designed and implemented a robust curriculum across the VCE Mathematics subjects and Maths and English from advanced primary through high school, tailored to the learning needs of all students: both high achievers and students who need extra assistance.  We are teachers and mentors, simultaneously training up the next generation of exemplar tutors and helping students navigate the uncertain and difficult transition that is VCE. We believe that the key to success is a combination of time and practice. That is why we have forged an accelerated, structured course for every subject that still covers every scenario. Every student has the potential to be outstanding given the right mentorship and guidance, and we are here to show the way.


Our friendly and professional team will ensure that no question goes unanswered and issues are resolved in a timely manner. 

Mathematics Tutors

Meet our brilliant maths tutors who have been handpicked to guide you through high school maths. 

Meet our brilliant maths tutors who have been handpicked to guide you through high school maths. 

Ben Kyval

99.90 ATAR

Chelsea Hinh

99.90 ATAR

Hugh Jiang

99.90 ATAR

Cyrus Raki

99.85 ATAR

Leo Molinaro

99.90 ATAR

Coco Wang

99.90 ATAR

Logan Ratnarajah

99.65 ATAR

Daleney Ing

99.55 ATAR

Maggie Wu

99.60 ATAR

Venuja De Silva

99.35 ATAR

Aaditya Mone

99.45 ATAR

English Tutors

Our outstanding English tutors have a wealth of experience to share

Our oustanding english tutors have a wealth of experience to share.

Jason Jiang

99.45 ATAR

Katrina Yeung

99.75 ATAR

Kyle Stutz

99.00 ATAR

Thomas Jin


Emma Wu

98.35 ATAR

Dinuri Maligapse

99.15 ATAR

Abigail Zhang

98.75 ATAR

Chemistry Tutors

Meet our fantastic Chemistry tutors will show you how to excel.

Our oustanding english tutors have a wealth of experience to share.

Ben Kyval

99.95 ATAR

Natalie Stutz

99.80 ATAR

Venuja De Silva

99.35 ATAR

Max Zhou

99.80 ATAR

Our Accomplishments

Take Your First Step Towards Success

Matthew Sun

Head Tutor English, Mathematics


48   Mathematical Methods

48   Specialist Mathematics

50   English

Matthew has had a long and colourful history of mathematical success competing against the nation’s brightest minds. 



Matthew has achieved high distinctions in several domestic and international mathematical olympiads including the AMO, AMOC Senior Contest and APMO. He was also awarded the prestigious medal in the AMC for being the highest scoring student in the state. He also attended the exclusive AMOC summer camp for selection for a spot on the Australian team to compete at the International Mathematics Olympiad.   He was awarded the Premier’s award in  English and the Premier’s award for VCE All Rounder in 2014. He also received the Australian Student Prize placing him in the top 500 students in Australia that year. He was then awarded the Melbourne National Scholarship in 2014 and has completed the Doctor of Medicine at the University of Melbourne.   He has spent the last 8 years tutoring students of all ability levels privately as well as in group settings and running charity events.

Victor Zhu

Head Tutor Mathematics (Maths Methods & Specialist Maths)


50   Mathematical Methods

50   Specialist Mathematics

48   English

Victor’s academic merits have consistently placed him at the top of his cohort regardless of his environment. 



Victor was awarded the Premier’s award in Specialist Mathematics and the Premier’s award for VCE All Rounder in 2014. He also received the Australian Student Prize placing him in the top 500 students in Australia that year. He was then awarded the Melbourne National Scholarship in 2014.  In both his undergraduate studies in the Bachelor of Biomedicine and postgraduate studies in the Doctor of Medicine, Victor has been nominated on the prestigious Dean’s Honours List, placing him in the top 3% of the cohort.  He was also selected for the exchange program at the Ivy League University of Pennsylvania where he studied Neuroscience and Pharmacology for a semester.  He has spent the last 8 years tutoring students of all ability levels privately as well as in group settings and running charity events. 

Dinuk Liyanage

Head Tutor Mathematics (Further Maths & Year 5 – 10)


50   Further Mathematics

46   Mathematical Methods

46   English (EAL)

44   Specialist Mathematics

Dinuk’s ability to adapt to any new learning environment allows him to achieve exceptional results. 



Dinuk was the Dux of Glen Waverley Secondary College in 2014 with one of the highest ATARs in the school’s recent history. Subsequently, he was awarded the Melbourne National Scholarship in 2014. Dinuk has completed his Bachelor of Biomedicine and Doctor of Medicine both at the University of Melbourne. He was also selected for the exchange program at the prestigious Ivy League University of Pennsylvania where he studied Neuroscience and Applied Immunology for a semester. He has spent the last 8 years tutoring students of all ability levels privately as well as in group settings and running charity events.

Calvin Kwok            

General Manager


50   Further Mathematics

45   English

Calvin’s academic merits and friendly personality makes him the person to approach when in need of any assistance.


Calvin achieved an ATAR of 99.35 with a perfect study score of 50 in Further Mathematics, making him one of the top students at Penleigh & Essendon Grammar School. He has completed his Bachelor of Biomedicine and Doctor of Medicine both at the University of Melbourne. Calvin has 8 years of tutoring experience, specialising in Further Mathematics. He has taught students of all ability levels, as well as voluntary teaching for charities to assist student undergoing hardship. Calvin has always been a ‘people’s person’ and loves interacting with other to help with problems of all sorts.  

Daniel Zhu       

Operations Manager


Daniel offers a professional and friendly service, enthusiastically assisting you with any and all concerns. His medical background and intelligence ensures that he will address your queries with empathy and kindness, leaving no stone unturned. He is a hardworking and uncompromising individual, and will always look towards finding a solution.

Benjamin Kyval           

Mathematics & Chemistry Tutor


50   Maths Methods

50   Chemistry

50   Specialist Maths

Ben Kyval scored a 99.90 ATAR and graduate from Yarra Valley Grammar in 2020. He obtained a raw 50 in multiple subjects including Maths Methods, Specialist Maths and Chemistry. He was offered the Chancellor’s scholarship and is currently studying Science at the University of Melbourne. He enjoys playing sports and piano in his free time. He is an experienced and highly passionate tutor who has been teaching with Premier Education for over two years.

Hugh Jiang         

Mathematics Tutor


49   Maths Methods

Hugh Jiang scored a 99.90 ATAR. He obtained a raw 49 in Maths Methods and over 45 in several other subjects. He is currently studying the Doctor of Medicine at Monash University. He has had extensive past tutoring experience enjoys learning new skills.

Daleney Ing          

English Tutor


50   English as an Additional Language

Daleney Ing scored a 99.55 ATAR. She obtained a raw 50 in EAL and was the dux for Maths Methods at Camberwell Girls Grammar. She is a highly passionate tutor who has a diverse history of extracurriculars and volunteering experience.

Aaditya Mone


Mathematics Tutor


Aaditya Mone scored a 99.45 ATAR and achieved scores of 91 in his equivalent Maths Methods and 90 in Specialist Maths . He is currently a third year student at the University of Melbourne, studying a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Systems. In his spare time, he enjoys playing volleyball.

Natalie Stutz           

Mathematics & English Tutor


50   English

49   Chemistry

50   Further Maths

Natalie Stutz scored a 99.80 ATAR and achieved perfect 50 study scores in English and Further Maths as well as 49 in Chemistry. She is studying Biomedicine this year and hopes to continue postgraduate study in Law or Teaching. She is passionate about discussing global issues, learning about the human body and English literature.

Dinuri Maligapse         

English Tutor


47   English

Dinuri Maligapse scored a 99.15 ATAR. She obtained a raw 47 in English and was the dux of several subjects in Fintona Girls’ School. Dinuri has extensive debating and public speaking experience for which has won multiple accolades including the DAV Victorian Debating State Champion. She is studying the Bachelor of Law at Monash University. In her spare time, Dinuri enjoys playing sport, dancing, and volunteering in the community.

Logan Ratnarajah          

Mathematics & Chemistry Tutor


46   Maths Methods

45   Chemistry

45   English

Logan Ratnarajah scored a 99.65 ATAR and obtained 45+ raw study scores in English, Maths Methods and Chemistry. A former student at Premier Education, he is passionate about teaching and improving the student experience. He will be studying Commerce and Law at Monash University.